All of us are scouring all possible ways to earn more bucks. Earning money requires effort and time. While the usual way of getting paid is by active work, sometimes you can earn money while taking your time off relaxing too. Let us look the top 10 ways how to make money online 2014.
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10. Start a Blog
A blog can be a great way to kill your time and show off your writing skills while earning more money at the same time. Get your own domain and web host and don’t look back. Also having an email list will be useful. The best way to make money by blogging is through affiliates.
9. Become A Reviewer
Review the product you love and when people buy them through the affiliate links posted in your blog money gets added to your account. Share your expertise through an eBook. Paid posts ad sense ads and sponsorship are a great way to secure more pennies by blogging.
8. Become a Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant helps businesses run by staying at home. Virtual assistance may be contracted or can be a continuing job like replying to emails and comments. Companies are in need of people who can help them with social media affairs, web designing, editing and marketing research. By hiring virtual assistants they get quality and these aspiring part time job seekers gain hourly pay.
7. Work for Companies
Apply for staff writing positions and you will be amazed how much you can make with freelance writing. There are many ProBlogger job boards and find your blog writing positions using them. If you are an active blogger make sure you are ready to be staffed by adding hire me information in your blog.
6. Rent out Your Extra Room
Sharing rooms can halve your living expenses and if you have an extra room you can always gain more by renting it out. But beware of roomie disasters before you rent out.
5. Mystery Shopping
Sign up for mystery shopping that is used as a tool by companies to masses to promote their own quality and compliance. This is a win-win situation for both you and the company as they get to improve their services and you get discount and free goodies for providing useful feedback.
4. Join the Websites
Get 1% to 40% cash back on your purchases if the company is listed in Mr.Rebates. Also you can sign up for Swagbucks to earn extra bucks for each search you make in internet. With accumulated points you can get toys, online store gift cards and many more goodies.
3. Join Ebates
Ebates is a free service that helps you get up to 10% to 15% on your purchases from stores listed in Ebates. Increase your Passive and residual income at this website and also make money through their affiliate programs.
2. Honor Your Skills
We all need a break and only cyborgs would be willing to work 24/7. But taking a break means a break in income flow too. But that need not be the case anymore. By honing your skills you can get a steady passive income without having to work all the time. Passive income does not require direct involvement. The most common forms of passive income come from renting out owned property, from royalties or network marketing.
1. Residual Income
A peaceful retirement cannot be complete without proper passive income generators in place. Residual income is received at a regular interval for a long time after the initial transaction is made. Some examples of residual incomes are
· Commission for an insurance agent on every renewal of a customer policy
· A sales rep’s income for reorder from his customers.
· A writer’s royalty fees on his/her book
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very nice tips, and if it is even more details on each point. That would look even a greater article 🙂