The trend of same sex marriages has been increasingly popular in the last few years. This is often regarded as Homosexual Marriage which is forbid in many of the countries. A lot of controversies are there about same sex marriages across America, Europe, and Asia. Here I have given 10 reasons why I am against same sex marriages.
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10. Disturbance Of The Hereditary System
Same sex marriage really disturbs the hereditary systems of the human beings. This system involves a man and woman to get married and have children. When it comes to marry the person of same gender, there are no chances that you enjoy physical relationship with its fullest. So, this directly impacts your immunity and hereditary system of the body.
9. Origin Of Lots Of Diseases
It has been proved that same sex marriage is one of the reasons of many health problems. Sex relationship between two men or two women has opened ways for many Near-Fatal diseases to be a part of the disease spectrum. This has originated AIDS, which and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like syphilis, gonorrhea etc.
8. State Is Compelled To Accept It In All The Terms
Same sex marriage is an open debate across USA. State is compelled to accept it in all the terms. The homosexual couple lives in whatever condition they want. They become a part of society and everyone around accepts them in the same lifestyle because it is their life and they have the right to live it with freedom.
7. Marriage And Women Housebreak Men
It has been seen that men who marry the same gender individuals are less likely to live successful lives. Married men tend to be responsible towards families and kids, but what if there are no kids. This will ultimately give rise to irresponsible behavior of the individuals. Thus, gay marriages bring no fruits at all.
6. Against The Laws Of All The Religions
Same sex marriages are against the laws of world’s religions. This is simply an unacceptable way to live your life. In Islam, Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism, this act of unnatural behavior is not liked by any mean. People who do so are to escape from the society due to the reason that their relationship, for most of religious persons, is good for nothing.
5. Civil Rights And Same Sex Rights Are Different Entities
Homosexual activists always scream that same sex marriage is a civil right of “equality”. It is okay if a person with different sex, color, status, and race marries the person of another status but gender has to be different for sure. There are totally different rights provided to those who have done same sex marriages.
4. Definition Of Marriage Is Violated
As is said in holy books, marriage is a way to have sex and produce children, so that they are brought up like responsible individuals. There are absolutely no chances to produce kids in same sex marriages. Thus, this ruins the definition of marriage and violates its meanings to much extent.
3. Devalue The Public Morality
Same sex marriages devalue the morality of public. This has become a tradition in western worlds. If it is not stopped, real meanings and purpose of marriages will be completely lost from our societies. People will make friends and promote same sex marriage trend, so a control has to be maintained.
2. A New Sexual Revolution
In 1960’s, there was a sexual revolution according to which homosexuals demanded acceptance of all kinds of immoral sexual relationship among men and women. This totally changed the behavior and attitude of men and women in our society. It makes us feel that in coming years, people will demand the acceptance of incest, bestiality, pedophilia and other things.
1. Needs Of The Children Are Not Fulfilled
Obviously same sex marriages bring no children. Having sex is good to maintain health. Those who have done same sex marriages maybe enjoying sex but they can never have kids. God has made a man for a woman, and a woman for a man. He who goes against His rules suffers in this world and will suffer in the end of times.
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